We are looking for nominees to bring your experience, vision and time to growing the co-op.
Our Board is composed of ten members representing three types of members: Supporter members who have also purchased investment shares, Community members who have purchased membership shares but not investment shares and Employee members. There are currently nine people serving on the Board.
We would like to build a Board with people who can contribute skills and advice in the following areas:
Financial knowledge, for example, bookkeeping or accounting
Administrative skills related to Board meetings and functions
Event Planning
We would also welcome members with skills and experience in information technology, media and marketing, business administration and human resources.
We're looking for people who:
have active listening skills
believe in teamwork and cooperation
are conversant in digital file management, particularly in the cloud
are willing to give 5 to 6 hours a month on average
can serve a two year term (half the directors will be elected for a one year term this year in order to then stagger the composition of the Board moving forward)
To let your name stand for election, just fill out the application here or pick one up at Cafe Vosino.
Call for nominations for the Board of Directors will close April, 2025

one time fee of $30
receive patronage rebate in accordance with use of the coop
each member votes on matters decided by the members
elects the Board of Directos
can serve on a committee or run for a Board position
participates in the coop's operation and governance
receives information about the corporation's financial status